58″ Rescue Sled




58" Long x 35" Wide x 4.4" Thick / 9kg (148 x 89 x 11 cm)

Solid Core construction soft Sled, with Aluminum stringer® for greater resistance and light weight: 9-15 kg. EPS core covered with PVC WrapFlex®. Designed to be towed by a PWC jet ski for a quick and safe rescue. The Suntech Rescue is manufactured in Peru and meets the quality control requirements of ISO 9001. Suntech sleds has been co-designed and tested by rescue experts and giant wave experts throughout the world. They are in service with many Municipal Lifeguard in USA, Panama, Peru, Chile, Spain, Italy and China. Also un USA the sleds and rescue boards are in serve with EMS, Police, Fire Departments, Surf Rescue Divisions, Marine UDT and other SAR Divisions World Wide.
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Unique and PATENTED construction

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Patented technology that avoids delamination, external material covers EPS core without using any kind of glue. It´s long-lasting and very resistant to extremes temperatures. 750 microns thick on deck side.

Aluminium stringer® patented technology reinforced with epoxy resin. This structure unique design provides great resistance at a lightweight.

Soft PVC “super grip” handles, 27 mm Ø, with non-slip engraving and reinforced with polyester mesh for strong pulls. The curvature is high for an easy grip and incorporates “last chance” handles.

The handles are secured by stainless steel screws, which now incorporate stronger polycarbonate plugs that are easily replaceable when necessary.

The Bottom or rear cover is double reinforced with 1,500-micron WrapFlex® that prevents tears in extreme situations.

PVC nose reinforcement protect the sled and jetsky; tail protector protects the sled from the fins of the surfboard; PVC protector around the edge of the sled.

Non-slip EVA grip colour options: black, grey, white and yellow.

Central rope of 10 mm, 2 meters long, protected with a 1/2” hose; 3/8” central carabiner and 9mm side elastics with 1mm plastic reinforcement with 5/16″ carabiners.

It incorporates 1 breathing valve to equalize the internal air pressure between the EPS foam and the WrapFlex®.

Tail rocker for better fluidity and half-moon tail shape so the rescued person has more stability.

Patented technology benefits

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